Digital Marketing SOLUTIONS TO Grow Your Small Business ...with less Effort

We empower small businesses in the greater Kelowna, BC area to achieve success through specialized web design, direct response copy, course creation & SEO, enabling them to sprout, scale and thrive.

Our Digital Marketing Services

Top view image with a hand holding a pen to the right of the screen showcasing the planning that goes into website designs & structure


Website Design For Small Business Owners

Your website serves as the virtual face of your business. An eye catching, easy to navigate& conversion-optimized sites not only enhances your credibility but also acts as a powerful magnet for potential clients. It's your opportunity to boost your business's growth and success.


Superior Content for Exceptional Results

Great content, greater success! Quality content, that is SEO'd is crucial because it's your voice online. It tells your story, engages your audience, and builds trust. Whether on your website, sales page, or social media, compelling content attracts customers, keeps them interested, and ultimately drives them to take action, boosting your business growth and reputation.

Vitange typewriter from top view with a blank sheet of paper rolled into the barrel


Add Passive Income To Your Business

Want to build your online course to generate re-occurring income, but not sure where to start? Glad to see you Sprout'ing!

Your website with Sprout Your Practice includes a full course platform integration. This means, that you won't be paying a third party provider a percentage of your sales or a fixed rate per user (like Udemy or Teachable). Essentially, you'll keep every dollar in your pocket for maximum profits.

Start by booking a Build Your Course Consultation. We'll go over your course ideas and create a plan for the modulescourse contentstrategy to launch and course pricing. A week after the call, you'll be presented with a Course Proposal with all details to get you started!

Mac laptop with black keyboard showing screen with high rankings from Google Page Speed


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimizing various metrics & copy on your website to increase the chances of being found by your potential patients and customers via online searches such as Google.

Coming Soon!


Client Testimonials Raving About Our Digital Agency Services and Remarkable Outcomes

Women with grey short hair and blue eyes smiling at camera with yellow background

-Sharon Cusack


Kinga has been invaluable to my practice, marketing & business growth.

Dean Sileo Natural Health Practitioner at Sileo Wellness

-Dean Sileo


This is an amazing process and you have so many great (marketing & execution) ideas!

You really help stir up ideas for me and it’s really great to see the ways my business can grow with my website funnel!!

Thank you!


-Angela Baran


Kinga was prompt and very efficient. She sent a very helpful, do it yourself, video once she finished the updates to my website.

I did not expect that, but it was super helpful in giving me the ability to handle minor website adjustments in the future. Very impressed.”

Middle aged practitioner from Alberta Canada with shot hair wearing glasses

-Danielle Churchill


Thank you so much for the scripts and coaching! 

We got a total of 20 treatments booked from the last marketing campaign! 

Things are looking up! THANK YOU!


What digital marketing services do you offer?

We offer the following services specially geared towards natural health practitioners that include:

Do you work with small businesses?

Yes. Sprout Your Practice specializes in working with small businesses in the natural health field.

What makes Sprout Your Practice different?

At Sprout, you'll receive a very catered experience from start to finish. We understand that most natural health practitioners do not have a business degree and would much rather spend their time helping patients than learn how to build websites or create social media ads. No matter what service you choose with us, you'll be included in the decision-making decisions through every step. The work we do is clear and transparent. We also limit the number of clients we work with so we can deliver the best possible results.

We do not charge for meetings so you won't receive a huge invoice for unneeded billable hours.

Sprout Success – Elevate Your Business!

Join Our Root Network & Grow Your Natural Health Practice!

Our newsletter helps practitioners break through mental blocks, and gain skills, knowledge, and tips to sprout your practice. 

Plus, you’ll never miss exclusive content, special promotions & giveaways we only share with our subscribers!

Two black arrows pointing towards the Sprout Newsletter Sign up with the words sing in up here in the middle

We're A Verified Agency

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